NBIP Foundation

Stronger Together
Clean Network

The NBIP Foundation was established in 2001 by a group of 6 internet service providers, initially as an executive institute for wiretap orders as stipulated in the Telecommunications Act.

Our principles:

We focus on supporting digital infrastructure providers with the following services:
  • Lawful Interception & Disclosure: Many digital infrastructure providers must be able to provide data or place a wiretap when authorized government agencies demand it. The NBIP Interception Service helps them comply with these obligations.
  • NaWas: NaWas is a collective DDoS mitigation service for digital infrastructure providers. The service was launched in 2014 and gives providers of any size the ability to affordably defend against DDoS attacks..
  • Clean Networks: An initiative to combat abuse and vulnerabilities, based on the Code of Conduct for Abuse Prevention.